For years we have stood out as one of the largest producers of Chile in oasts one of the healthiest and most natural foods that exists in the world. Austral Granos is a company dedicated exclusively to the sale of oats, which thanks to the quality of each of these products has made us a leader in this type of products.
Oats have a series of benefits and properties, among which are:
- It has important vitamins and minerals, among which stand out: vitamin E, vitamin B1 and B2.
- It also has a series of minerals such as magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc.
- Oats have a lot of fiber, 6 essential amino acids and carbohydrates.
The quality with which we make our Chilean oats has made us one of the most solid companies in the entire Latin American industrial sector, because we comply with all the standards that are required by the ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 standards.
In our modern facilities we elaborate:
- Stabilized peeled oats
- Oatmeal
- Traditional oat flakes
- Flavored corn flakes
- Whole-grain oatmeal
- Oat bran
- Gluten free oats
- Instant oat flake
- Whole grain oat flakes
In Austral Grain we are concerned with promoting self-sustainability, that’s why we use all the waste that is eliminated in the productive tasks, such as the oat husk, and then we submit it to a specialized system that combustion in this way we can take advantage of almost one hundred percent the CO2 that the annual crop of this cereal captures, which generates the necessary steam to carry out the cooking and drying process of each of our products.
Telephones: +56452535433
Address: Ercilla 195, Pillanlelbún, Lautaro, Chile.
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